Things You Can Do To Minimize the Risk of an Alcohol-Related Car Accident During the Holidays?

Cream Section Separator
Cream Section Separator

If you want to enjoy a little holiday cheer, ask someone else to be the designated driver, or set up a rideshare before you go to a party.


Let someone else drive

Try to avoid being on the roads at those times when more drunk drivers might be out and about late at night, on weekends, and early in the morning.


Stay home

Cream Section Separator
Cream Section Separator

 If you observe anyone weaving back and forth or otherwise appearing to be impaired behind the wheel, get off the road and call 911.


Pay attention on the roads

Ensure your vehicle is in top condition before getting on the road. Be sure you can brake if necessary, and check that all warning lights and signals are functional.


Vehicle condition

If there is no surviving spouse, child or parent of the deceased, the entire estate will be divided equally among any surviving siblings

Cream Section Separator
Cream Section Separator

Drunk Driving Accident Risks During the Holidays

What Can You Do To Reduce Your Risk of Injury This Year?