If your license has been suspended due to a civil judgment for a car accident and you were responsible for as an uninsured motorist, you may be able to discharge the debt by filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and get your license reinstated. Driving with a … [Read more...]
Did You Receive Workers’ Compensation Money Benefits in 2017?
No worries! The money benefits are exempt from taxes if they are paid under a workers’ compensation act or statute. Any amounts you receive as workers’ compensation for an occupational sickness or injury are fully exempt. If you return to work after … [Read more...]
The Only Thing Constant Is Change
If you look at an anatomy text from the 18th century you will find that the human body has not changed much in the last 300 years. If you look at a legal text from that period, it will be of little use in guiding you in the 21st century. Every year, … [Read more...]
DACA Reinstated, For Now, But Dreamers Still Left Hanging
On January 13, 2018, the federal government, under a federal court order, reinstated the Obama-era .Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) for certain individuals who currently hold or previously held DACA. DACA provides temporary protection … [Read more...]
What Happens to Social Security Benefits during a Government Shutdown?
While the government re-opened on January 23rd, 2018 following a brief shutdown that commenced on January 19th, 2018, the continuing budget resolution passed by Congress only funded the government through February 8th, 2018, at which time the nation … [Read more...]
“It’s not the stuff we know that’s a problem. It’s what we know that’s wrong!”
This summer I attended the Advanced Family Law Course as I do most years. However, this year my wife attended with me. I was struck by something she said. At one point, we were watching one of the seminars and she commented “This is a lot more … [Read more...]
Assault Charges: Dropped, Dismissed or Reduced?
Under the state laws in Texas, you can be charged with criminal assault under three circumstances: You intentionally threatened another person with physical harm You intentionally engaged in provocative or offensive physical contact with another … [Read more...]
What to Do If You Are Hurt in an 18-Wheeler Accident
Data collected by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) supports what most Americans already know—the number of 18-wheelers, tractor-trailers, semis, big rigs and commercial over-the-road vehicles motoring across the country’s … [Read more...]
What to Do If You Are Hit by a Drunk Driver this Holiday Season?
Christmas and New Years—the time of "good cheer." Unfortunately, too often that "cheer" comes in a bottle or a glass and too often it leads to disastrous results. Alcohol, after all, is a depressant—it will make you tired and it will slow down your … [Read more...]
Watch the Holiday Cheer!! DUI Enforcement is Up at the Holidays
It's the holiday season—time for Christmas and New Years parties. That usually means a few beers or a couple of cocktails. But you want to be particularly careful this time of year. Law enforcement officials are aware of the increase in parties and … [Read more...]
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
There are a great many ideas that fill the holiday season. Manger scenes are meant to remind us of the incarnation celebrated by Christians. The Jewish Hanukkah celebration symbolized by the menorah. The television commercials, the hustle and bustle … [Read more...]
Child Custody During the Holidays
It seems every year about this time people lose their minds. The Possession and Access schedule listed on most Divorces and Suits Affecting the Parent Child Relationship list a holiday schedule. Every year people seem to have trouble understanding of … [Read more...]