Be very wary of the lone vehicle parked nearby that shows up out of nowhere. The insurance carrier will stop at no means to “catch” you in the act of daily living. Anything to show that you aren’t really THAT hurt. They hire private investigators to … [Read more...]
Third Party Workplace Injury Claims
When you’ve been injured in an accident at work in Texas, you have the right to seek benefits under the state’s workers’ compensation program. But that may not be your only recourse. Here’s how it works. The workers’ compensation laws were set up … [Read more...]
Tips for Reporting a Workplace Injury, No Matter How Minor
Always, always report any injury you sustain on the job—no matter how minor! A lot of people think, “Let me see if it will get better.” This is a bad idea. I had a client get scratched on the job, and he thought nothing of it. Weeks later, he was in … [Read more...]
Immigration and Public Benefits: Facts, Fiction, and Current Proposals
A leaked draft executive order dramatically changes policies and practices long held by the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State relating to admission of immigrants into the United States, grants of lawful permanent resident … [Read more...]
First Offender Programs in Texas
We all make mistakes—unfortunately, for some of us, those mistakes can have legal consequences. While the aftermath of a criminal arrest can be traumatic, the existence of a number of first offender programs in Texas can give you the opportunity for … [Read more...]
If You Think It Is Expensive to Hire a Professional to Do a Job, Wait Until You Hire an Amateur
Like everyone else, I have to be careful with my money, and, whenever possible, I try to do a job myself rather than hire a professional. There are plenty of outlets to help you do it yourself in order to save a buck, including TurboTax, Home Depot, … [Read more...]
FOCUS ON OWNERSHIP: You can’t give away or sell what you don’t own! Property rights are important under the law. Often, clients fail to consider the important question, “Who owns the property?” Ownership is not the same thing as possession. You … [Read more...]
Does lighting strike twice? – Timelines for filing a new bankruptcy case.
If you have filed bankruptcy in the past and you find yourself in a position where you need to file again, you need expert legal advice to make sure you get it right. Job loss, divorce, medical emergencies, business closing, or other unexpected … [Read more...]
Hearing Wait Time Decreases, but Overall Processing Time Continues to Rise at the Social Security Administration
As is often the case with Social Security, good news usually is followed by bad news. First, the good news: the number of cases awaiting Social Security hearings continues to drop. The bad news: the average time it takes for a claimant to receive a … [Read more...]
April Showers Often Bring a Spike in Auto Accidents
Spring is here…the colors are splashed all across the state of Texas. With the warm temperatures, though, come the warm spring rains, necessary to give all the budding life a good start. But those showers can also wreak havoc for motorists, in many … [Read more...]
Equifax Updates – Drivers’ License Numbers Stolen
In 2017, Equifax, Inc., a credit-reporting firm, suffered a cyber-attack that resulted in a data breach that affected millions of customers. After the company disclosed that the identities of roughly 148 million individuals were compromised, the … [Read more...]
Automatic U.S. Citizenship by Blood
Clients often ask about the path to citizenship. Most are eligible for the long and time consuming path to citizenship through visas, petitions, and Adjustment of Status. However, some are eligible for direct citizenship by blood via the N-600 … [Read more...]