Many debtors considering a bankruptcy filing are worried the impact on their credit rating and about how long the bankruptcy filing will affect their credit. The Fair Credit Report Action, Section 605, prohibits credit agencies from including a … [Read more...]
The Difference Between Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in Texas
Distinguishing the Criminal Act from the Civil Wrong It seems like it’s almost impossible to read a newspaper or tune into the news without hearing a report of allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault, with the terms often used … [Read more...]
Are you eligible for mileage reimbursement for attending doctor’s appointments?
Going back and forth to your doctors visit can take time and money for fuel. Especially when you have therapy that meets 3, 4 sometimes 5 times a week! Workers’ Comp. will reimburse you for mileage in some cases, for doctors visits that are further … [Read more...]
Important Information About Dangerous Medical Devices And Drugs
You are receiving this letter because Bailey & Galyen had or has an attorney client relationship with you or a family member. As such, we want you to know about these dangerous medical devices and drugs that have caused serious injuries and damages: … [Read more...]
James M. Bridge Joins Bailey & Galyen As Chief Operating Officer
FORT WORTH, TEXAS – APRIL 27, 2018 – The law firm of Bailey & Galyen is pleased to announce that James M. Bridge has rejoined the firm as Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Bridge was previously with Bailey & Galyen from 1998 to 2002, and considers his … [Read more...]
You “May” Be Covered
Understanding What Auto Insurance Actually Covers You have an auto insurance policy to cover all your vehicles and your agent told you it was “full coverage.” That means that, in the event of an accident, everything will be covered, right? If you’ve … [Read more...]
Memorial Day
Memorial Day means different things to different people. Some think of it as the beginning of summer, others as just a three day weekend. Some focus on the memory of those who died in military service and others expand it to First Responders and … [Read more...]
The Family Code and New Changes Going into Effect
Recently my wife had to have done dental work done. IT WAS EXPENSIVE! No… seriously… expensive. Fortunately, we have dental insurance. Otherwise, that $3,000 we paid out of pocket may well have been twice as much. That got me to thinking about … [Read more...]
The Naturalization Exam
Legal permanent residents in the United States are given the opportunity to become U.S. citizens. This process is labeled as “naturalization.” In order to start the naturalization process, legal permanent residents must apply by sending in the … [Read more...]
Is It Domestic Violence?
How to Know If Behavior Rises to the Level of Domestic Violence In any relationship, there will be disagreements. Voices can be raised and threatening words spoken. But what is domestic violence? When does a person’s behavior cross the line and … [Read more...]
Importance of Medical Records, Continuing Treatment, and Treatment Compliance at Social Security
The first step in any claim for Social Security disability is proving that you have an impairment that prevents you from sustaining gainful activity. To prove the existence of such an impairment, Social Security looks to your medical records, your … [Read more...]
Dos and Don’ts Before Filing Bankruptcy
You may be contemplating the need to file bankruptcy and if you are, get to an experienced attorney’s office FAST! However, if you are not quite sure you want to take that first big step, please consider the following while you are thinking it … [Read more...]