The SSA experimented with removing the reconsideration appeal level in 10 “proto-type states” for the last few years. Claimant’s living in these states were able to file a request for hearing immediately after receiving their initial denial. The … [Read more...]
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Every year about this time people lose their minds. The Texas Legislature, through the Texas Family Code, has gone to great length's to make the possession and access schedule as fair as possible and as clear as possible so as to minimize confusion … [Read more...]
Slow Down
Have you seen the signs in various neighborhoods that advise, “Drive like your kids live here?” These signs want you to slow down and be more attentive and careful. So much hardship and disappointment could be avoided if people followed that advice … [Read more...]
Halloween Now Poses Greatest Risk of Alcohol-Related Motor Vehicle Accident
Proliferation of Adult Celebrations Leads to Dramatic Increase in DWI-Related Crashes A quick question—what night has the most alcohol-fueled motor vehicle accidents every year? New Years Eve, right? Not anymore…though the revelry that accompanies … [Read more...]
Your Personal Halloween Nightmare: Getting Arrested for DWI
A Real Halloween Scare — A Drunk Driving Charge!! There's nothing quite like a good scare on Halloween night—but here's a nightmare you can do without—getting pulled over by law enforcement officers after you've been enjoying a few cocktails with … [Read more...]
Changes to Social Security Coming in 2019
More Money in Recipients' Checks Social security recipients will see more money in their checks every month starting in January of 2019. The government approved a 2.8 percent increase to cover cost of living adjustments. This is the largest such … [Read more...]
Alimony and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
There has been no shortage of discussion of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed this past year. For many, the tax law involved an immediate increase in their take home pay. But, there were many provisions of this law that were not discussed completely … [Read more...]
Winning the Lottery
The possibility of winning "one billion dollars", said in the voice of Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies, was heavily reported by the media last month, which brought up memories of some interesting clients and some unforgettable times. Over … [Read more...]
Repetitive Trauma Injury
A repetitive trauma injury, as opposed to a specific injury, occurs when there is repeated exposure to harmful activities in the work place. These might be any constant motions that you have to do for work each day every day. Examples are: data … [Read more...]
What Are Your Rights as a Passenger Involved in a Car Crash?
We're a society on the go: a 2016 census estimated that there were about 1.8 cars per household in the U.S. that year. But, that mobility comes at a cost. In 2017, over 4.5 million people were hurt in auto accidents badly enough to require medical … [Read more...]
The Violence Against Women Act and its Application to Immigrant Victims of Crime
September 30, 2018, is the current expiration date for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), a law originally enacted in 1994 that increases protection for both men and women suffering from domestic and dating violence. In July, House Democrats … [Read more...]
Importance of Medical Care, Treatment Compliance, and Medical Records, at Social Security
The first step in any claim for social security disability is proving that you have an impairment that prevents you from sustaining gainful activity. To prove the existence of an impairment, the social security administration looks to your medical … [Read more...]