When you have reached Maximum Medical Improvement and receive an impairment rating that is 15% or higher, you may be entitled to received Supplemental Income Benefits. SIBS are paid out monthly, which is calculated by using your Average Weekly Wage … [Read more...]
Drunk Driving Accidents Over the Holidays
Don't Settle for Less This Christmas The holidays are a time of joy and revelry, a time to share and create lasting memories with loved ones. They are also a time of needless tragedy, one of the most dangerous times to be on the nation's roadways. A … [Read more...]
Avoiding a DUI / DWI Charge This Holiday Season
Tips for Minimizing the Risk of a Drunk Driving Arrest Over the Holidays It's the holidays—time to celebrate—and that often means a cocktail or two with friends and family. That's all part of the season—unless you decide to get behind the wheel … [Read more...]
It’s A New Year, Are You Ready?
The new year is upon us. Let us reflect on the old year and commit ourselves to making 2019 a better year. Did you intend to divorce in 2018? Was Alimony or Spousal Support an issue? If so, you only have a couple of days to finalize the divorce … [Read more...]
Fresh Start!
A new year is upon us and it reminds me of a fundamental need we all sense at one time or another; the need for a fresh start. I am not a huge fan of resolutions, but any prompt to move me into a better 2019 is a good prompt. Start Spring cleaning … [Read more...]
How Do I Bring My Fiancé Into The United States?
This winter, a sizable number of clients became engaged. Namely, to foreigners that they met on business trips, study abroad programs, or arranged marriages. No matter the reason, they all come to an immigration attorney to ask the same question: How … [Read more...]
Payment of Retroactive Benefits
SSI claimants are often disappointed when they learn that their past due benefits will be paid in installments after a finding of disability. Often times it can take a full year for social security to pay all the money owed. However there are … [Read more...]
Fight Night!: He Started It!
I often receive calls about injured workers who were involved in a fight at work. My first question is usually, "Who started it, and why?" This is important to determine because if an injury results from a dispute that arose from the injured worker's … [Read more...]
Beware of Quick Settlement Offers During the Holidays
Don’t Settle for Less this Christmas You don’t ever want to be hurt because of someone else’s carelessness, but it can be even more devastating during the holidays. There’s a lot to do and personal injury can bring your life to a complete stop. In … [Read more...]
Start the New Year with a Clean Slate — Expunging Your Criminal Record
Use the Texas Expungement Process to Seal Criminal Records What's your New Year's resolution? A better job or a new place to live? A return to school, so that you have better job skills? When you have a criminal record hanging over your head, … [Read more...]
DACA Reinstated, For Now, But Dreamers Still Left Hanging
On January 13, 2018, the federal government, under a federal court order, reinstated the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) for certain individuals who currently hold or previously held DACA. DACA provides temporary protection … [Read more...]
My Employer Cancelled My Health Insurance
Have you been off work due to an inury and discovered that the private personal health insurance you had with your company was cancelled or terminated? Here are a few useful tips that may help you with your claim moving forward. Your employer must … [Read more...]