The Situations Where It Is in Your Best Interests to Hire Legal Counsel When you've been hurt on the job, you're entitled to seek benefits through your state's workers' compensation laws. You're not required to have an attorney represent you in this … [Read more...]
Protecting Your Business in a Divorce
Steps You Can Take to Safeguard Business Assets during a Marital Breakup For many, there's nothing like the control and freedom that come from owning your own business, making your own decisions and getting the direct benefit of all your hard work. … [Read more...]
Your Rights in Texas When Your Employer is a Non-Subscriber to Workers’ Compensation
Your Rights in Texas When Your Employer is a Non-Subscriber to Workers’ Compensation At Bailey & Galyen, we handle both State Workers’ Compensation Claims, as well as Non-Subscriber Work Injury Claims. So, if you are an injured worker in Texas … [Read more...]
What Is An Accident Report And What Is It’s Value?
You’ve been in a car crash and suffered injuries. It can be a chaotic time, with emotions and adrenalin running at a high level. After an accident, you should contact the police to come to the scene and request that they make an accident report. … [Read more...]
Consider Not Putting It Off
I'm Jay Bailey with Bailey & Galyen and I head our Probate & Estate Planning section. I'm going to ask you today to consider not putting it off. First of all don't put off talking to your healthcare provider if you haven't had a checkup in a … [Read more...]
Who Decides How to Handle COVID-19 Vaccinations for Minor Children During or After A Divorce?
Hello, my name is…Gene Leposki, I am a Board Certified Family Law Specialist and Managing Attorney for our Plano office at the Law Offices of Bailey & Galyen. I have been practicing law for over 30 years and the lawyers at Bailey & Galyen also has … [Read more...]
Did You Know You Can Be Reimbursed For Mileage And Travel Costs?
Howdy, this is Kim Wyatt and I'm the Managing Attorney at the Work Comp Department here at Bailey & Galyen. Did you know that you could possibly be reimbursed for mileage, your travel costs and possibly meals and overnight stays from your home to … [Read more...]
Employers Using Economic Slumps to Eliminate Older Workers
Hi everyone, I'm Jamie Gilmore, an employment attorney with Bailey & Galyen. We all have heard and commented on the fact that we are living through an extraordinary time. As a result of the COVID pandemic, employers have closed and furloughed, … [Read more...]
Social Security Updates Regarding COVID-19
Hello my name is Ian Croall and i'm the Managing Attorney for the Disability Department here at Bailey & Galyen. As always i'm here to provide you guys with an update on the COVID-19 pandemics impact on the Social Security Administration. … [Read more...]
Bankruptcy—The Benefits and the Options
What a Personal Bankruptcy Filing Can Do for You | Your Filing Options If you're like many folks across Texas and the United States, the pandemic has hit you where it can hurt the most—in your pocketbook. You may be among the millions who lost a job … [Read more...]
What You Need to Know about Probate
Successfully Settling the Estate of a Loved One After the death of a loved one, one of the more challenging, but important tasks that you'll often need to complete is the settlement of the estate through the probate courts. Whether the estate is … [Read more...]
Increasing Your Chances for a Merry Christmas after Divorce
Ways That You Can Make the Holidays Brighter after a Breakup The holidays can be particularly difficult when you’re divorced. From Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve, there’s a focus on family. When your family isn’t together anymore, the season of … [Read more...]