Hi, my name is Joe Robles Jr., managing attorney for the pre-litigation department here at Bailey & Galyen. Today I want to talk a little bit about medical treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
First, I want to urge you to keep treating because your health matters. You should never ever just deal with the pain someone has cause you. You deserve the best treatment possible because you deserve no less.
Second, the bottom line for many of these insurance companies is saving money. If you never got treatment because you’re worried about the current pandemic, whether you’re injured or not, many insurance companies will refuse to make an offer for your injuries, regardless of how serious the accident is.
Now I understand that during the pandemic you may be at high-risk. We understand. Medical providers understand. But rest assure, there is technology out there that can get you through this troubled time.
Many medical providers offer telemedicine, which is still a one-on-one visit with your doctor, however it’s through videoconferencing rather than face-to-face. And many providers will make sure your medicine gets delivered right to your front door.
So just remember, during this pandemic, you aren’t stuck, we are in this together, and help is right around the corner.