Let’s call the Independent Medical Examiner (IME) “Devil”. The insurance carrier can request you see one of their own chosen doctors once every 180 days or after you have seen a Designated Doctor (DWC Appointed). From my experience, these doctors are … [Read more...]
Can I Sue My Employer For My Work Related injury?
Are there lump sum settlements under Texas Workers’ Comp laws? Can I sue a subscribing employer for pain & suffering or future lost wages? The simple answer is NO. The Work Comp laws here in Texas took a drastic change in 1991. Any injuries … [Read more...]
Did You Receive Workers’ Compensation Money Benefits in 2017?
No worries! The money benefits are exempt from taxes if they are paid under a workers’ compensation act or statute. Any amounts you receive as workers’ compensation for an occupational sickness or injury are fully exempt. If you return to work after … [Read more...]
Fight Night!: He started it!
I often receive calls about injured workers who were involved in a fight at work. My first question is usually, "Who started it, and why?" This is important to determine because if an injury results from a dispute that arose from the injured worker's … [Read more...]
The Gods Must Be Crazy!
In the almost already impossible realm of workers comp there is an area of case in law that allows the insurance carrier to remain not liable for compensation if the injury arose ouT of an "Act of God," unless the employment exposes the injured … [Read more...]
It’s Their Party, I Can Cry if I Want to…
Its that time of the year again...Company Halloween function, Company Picnic, Thanksgiving Luncheons, Holiday Parties. Invitations go out, and most employees feel obligated to attend since it’s the "right thing to do." Or you volunteer to help … [Read more...]
I have to move out of State – What Happens to my Texas Workers’ Comp case?
If you have an active Texas worker's comp claim, you can pick up with treatment in your new home state. The most difficult part will be finding a doctor that is willing to be your treating physician in your new state. I tell my clients that they … [Read more...]
Can I Sue My Employer For My Work Related injury?
Are there lump sum settlements under Texas Workers' Comp laws? Can I sue a subscribing employer for pain & suffering or future lost wages? The simple answer is NO. The Work Comp laws here in Texas took a drastic change in 1991. Any injuries … [Read more...]
I Got Hurt…Is It ‘No Big Deal’?
If you have been injured on the job, whether you feel it is minor or you want to work through it to see if it gets better...No matter what, you should always report your incident to your employer. Even if you don't think you need to see a doctor … [Read more...]
What Happens to My Workers Comp Case If I Move out of Texas?
Since you have lifetime medical benefits for the injuries that have been deemed accepted by the insurance carrier, you can pick up treatment wherever you move. You would need to locate a doctor that is willing to treat you for your workers’ … [Read more...]
Repetitive Trauma Injury
A repetitive trauma injury, as opposed to a specific injury, occurs when there is repeated exposure to harmful activities in the work place. These might be any constant motions that you have to do for work each day every day. Examples are: data … [Read more...]
Somebody is Watching Me!
Be very wary of the lone vehicle parked nearby that shows up out of nowhere. The insurance carrier will stop at no means to “catch” you in the act of daily living. Anything to show that you aren’t really THAT hurt. They hire private investigators to … [Read more...]