So you think you may have hurt yourself at work…well, you know you did. You might have the following thoughts: “It’s not that bad. Work through it and see if it gets worse. The weekend is here, so I’ll rest and see how I feel on Monday. I’m seeing my … [Read more...]
I’ve Fallen, but I CAN Get Up: Why You Should Immediately Report All Work Injuries
So you think you may have hurt yourself at work…well, you know you did. You might have the following thoughts: “It’s not that bad. Work through it and see if it gets worse. The weekend is here, so I’ll rest and see how I feel on Monday. I’m seeing my … [Read more...]
Supplemental Income Benefits: You received an Impairment rating 15% or Higher
When you have reached Maximum Medical Improvement and receive an impairment rating that is 15% or higher, you may be entitled to received Supplemental Income Benefits. SIBS are paid out monthly, which is calculated by using your Average Weekly Wage … [Read more...]
Fight Night!: He Started It!
I often receive calls about injured workers who were involved in a fight at work. My first question is usually, "Who started it, and why?" This is important to determine because if an injury results from a dispute that arose from the injured worker's … [Read more...]
My Employer Cancelled My Health Insurance
Have you been off work due to an inury and discovered that the private personal health insurance you had with your company was cancelled or terminated? Here are a few useful tips that may help you with your claim moving forward. Your employer must … [Read more...]
Repetitive Trauma Injury
A repetitive trauma injury, as opposed to a specific injury, occurs when there is repeated exposure to harmful activities in the work place. These might be any constant motions that you have to do for work each day every day. Examples are: data … [Read more...]
What Does “Network” Doctor Mean in Workers’ Comp?
There has been much confusion as to what doctors an injured worker can or cannot visit for treatment. Many insurance companies offer network doctors that you must choose from in order to receive treatment under workers' comp. Usually, the first … [Read more...]
Tips for Reporting a Workplace Injury, No Matter How Minor
Always, always report any injury you sustain on the job—no matter how minor! A lot of people think, “Let me see if it will get better.” This is a bad idea. I had a client get scratched on the job, and he thought nothing of it. Weeks later, he was in … [Read more...]
Tips for Reporting a Workplace Injury, No Matter How Minor
Always, always report any injury you sustain on the job—no matter how minor! A lot of people think, “Let me see if it will get better.” This is a bad idea. I had a client get scratched on the job, and he thought nothing of it. Weeks later, he was in … [Read more...]
Are you eligible for mileage reimbursement for attending doctor’s appointments?
Going back and forth to your doctors visit can take time and money for fuel. Especially when you have therapy that meets 3, 4 sometimes 5 times a week! Workers’ Comp. will reimburse you for mileage in some cases, for doctors visits that are further … [Read more...]
Somebody is Watching Me!
Be very wary of the lone vehicle parked nearby that shows up out of nowhere. The insurance carrier will stop at no means to “catch” you in the act of daily living. Anything to show that you aren’t really THAT hurt. They hire private investigators to … [Read more...]
Tips for Reporting a Workplace Injury, No Matter How Minor
Always, always report any injury you sustain on the job—no matter how minor! A lot of people think, “Let me see if it will get better.” This is a bad idea. I had a client get scratched on the job, and he thought nothing of it. Weeks later, he was in … [Read more...]