Most people are vaguely aware that there are deadlines associated with the filing of a lawsuit. In general these 'deadlines' can be classed under the moniker of statutes of limitation. As the Supreme Court has explained, statutes of limitation are … [Read more...]
Denial of Personal Injury Claims Based on Contributory Negligence
Auto insurance companies often deny personal injury claims or offer to pay only a small settlement on the basis that the accident was partially or completely caused by the negligence of the person making the claim. Let's assume for example that … [Read more...]
Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Coverages
Hello, my name is James Bridge. I'm with the attorneys' office of Bailey & Galyen. I've been a personal injury attorney for 22 years. I would like to discuss with you, the difference between uninsured motorist and undersinsured motorist … [Read more...]
One Bite and You’re Out: Strict Liability for Dog Bites in Texas
One means of imposing liability on the owners of dogs for attacks which result in injuries is the imposition of strict liability against such dog owner. [1] To recover on a claim of strict liability for injury by a dangerous domesticated animal, such … [Read more...]
Sweet Old Lady
Ronald Reagan once said it is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions. Personal Responsibility has long been held as a conservative value and rightfully so. Society wants, and needs, people to be … [Read more...]
Hold Your Horses!: Limitations on Liability in Recreational Equine Activities
Few things are as synonymous with Texas culture and heritage as horseback riding. Yet it is an activity which offers numerous risks of injury. In recognition of these known risks, and the importance of livestock to the state, the Texas Legislature … [Read more...]
When someone is killed and it was the fault of another person or company Texas law allows certain family members to file suit for wrongful death. These family members include the decedent's spouse, children, and parents. No one else may bring a … [Read more...]
Extended Limitations Period for Personal Injury Claims Based on Criminal Sexual Conduct
Attorneys can generally, almost instinctively, name the applicable statute of limitations for a particular cause of action. Under Texas law, however, the statute of limitations applicable to a particular cause of action may vary based on the facts … [Read more...]
The Truth About the Family Member Exclusion in Texas Automobile Policies
At one time most Texas automobile liability insurance policies included a so-called family member exclusion which foreclosed liability coverage for any claim made by a family member against a family member. This exclusion was included in these … [Read more...]
Personal Injury Claims Based on Negligence in Texas
Hello, my name is Michael Galyen and I’m a personal injury attorney with Bailey & Galyen, one of the largest consumer law firms in Texas. These are some of the first questions clients have when they come to us after any kind of accident. In Texas, … [Read more...]
The Statute of Limitations in Texas Slip-and-Fall Claims
How Long Do You Have to File a Premises Liability Claim? In Texas, as in all states, owners and persons in control of residential or commercial property have a legal duty to maintain the premises in a way that minimizes the risk of injury to anyone … [Read more...]
The Unseen Consequences of a Traumatic Brain Injury
TBI—The "Invisible Injury" | How Its Symptoms Can Go Unnoticed The mere term "traumatic brain injury" can be scary—and it should be. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), TBI is one of the most frequent causes of death and permanent … [Read more...]