Legal Options for Injured Victims According to statistics compiled by the National Safety Council, approximately 165 pedestrians are injured in accidents involving motor vehicles somewhere in the United States every day, and that more than four of … [Read more...]
Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in the Fall
Shorter Days, Fog, and Falling Leaves All Contribute to Increased Risk For many, fall is the best time of the year. The weather’s not quite so oppressive… the leaves are turning colors. But it can also be a dangerous time, particularly for … [Read more...]
Determining Fault in a Pedestrian Accident
Can a Pedestrian Be Responsible for His or Her Own Injuries? We've all heard it stated that "the pedestrian always has the right of way." That would suggest that, whenever a pedestrian is injured in a collision with a motor vehicle, the driver will … [Read more...]
How to Choose a Houston Pedestrian Accident Attorney
Finding Effective Counsel When You Have Been Struck by a Car There are many causes of pedestrian accidents. A motorist may fail to look before turning a corner or entering an intersection. A driver may lose control after a collision and veer into an … [Read more...]