You have a Last Will and Testament, or so you think. Here are 5 situations when your best intentions fall flat: When it is not the Last Will and Testament When it doesn’t distribute your assets When it is not executed with “testamentary … [Read more...]
That Was Easy
Don’t you hate the unknown? The brutal reality is that you don’t know what you don’t know. You take on a project or try to fill out a form and start to second-guess yourself by the third step. The directions appear to have been written in an unknown … [Read more...]
“But No One Told Me…”
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a guidebook, a pamphlet, or an online video for all of life’s challenges? You can find a YouTube video for almost anything, but, in some situations, there are so many different opinions that it’s hard to know who to … [Read more...]
Memorial Day
Memorial Day means different things to different people. Some think of it as the beginning of summer, others as just a three day weekend. Some focus on the memory of those who died in military service and others expand it to First Responders and … [Read more...]
FOCUS ON OWNERSHIP: You can’t give away or sell what you don’t own! Property rights are important under the law. Often, clients fail to consider the important question, “Who owns the property?” Ownership is not the same thing as possession. You … [Read more...]
Perhaps you have seen “HANDLE WITH CARE” stenciled on the outside of a container or crate. If you’re like me you may have tried to child-proof a room or dealt with the consequences of placing an item in harms’ way. As we get older we accumulate more … [Read more...]
Frequently, I will speak to someone about the death of a loved one and try to share wise counsel with them. There are a great many things that accompany death that most of us have little experience navigating. Each case is unique and each one has … [Read more...]
The Only Thing Constant Is Change
If you look at an anatomy text from the 18th century you will find that the human body has not changed much in the last 300 years. If you look at a legal text from that period, it will be of little use in guiding you in the 21st century. Every year, … [Read more...]
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
There are a great many ideas that fill the holiday season. Manger scenes are meant to remind us of the incarnation celebrated by Christians. The Jewish Hanukkah celebration symbolized by the menorah. The television commercials, the hustle and bustle … [Read more...]
As Christmas approaches and every commercial promises happiness with the purchase of the advertiser’s product, the thought of gifts is inescapable. For some people, gifts are pure joy. They love to shop for them. They love to give them. They love to … [Read more...]
Fake News
The term “Fake News” is thrown around a lot these days. It usually means the person using it is not happy about something that has been reported. It is frightening to those of us who see a free press and an informed citizenry as essential to our form … [Read more...]
Considering Estate Planning or Probate?
Value Earlier this year I was on the West Coast and dined at a San Diego restaurant which had come highly recommended. Since you don’t know me, I will tell you that I have been described as “conservative” with money, because it is considered rude to … [Read more...]