I'm Jay Bailey, I'm of counsel to the firm and I head our probate & estate planning section. So you've won the lottery, Texas Lottery has a ticket that has the right numbers. You've checked them numerous times. What should you do? Contact … [Read more...]
Back-to-School Reminders and Estate Planning
If you are a student or educator, you know it's about that time of year. Our Estate Planning attorneys have listed out a few back-to-school reminders to go along with your estate planning needs. Back-to-School Reminders | Estate Planning … [Read more...]
Discretion & Your Estate Plan
What is discretion and why is it important for your estate plan? Discretion – 1: the quality of being discreet, circumspect, and cautious in one’s speech, 2: the ability to make responsible decisions, 3 a: individual choice or judgment, b: power of … [Read more...]
DISCOURAGING DISENGAGEMENT IV: Domestic Partners, Disasters, Distance, and Doing It Yourself
Estate Planning Attorneys - Discouraging Disengagement In previous articles, I shared insights from James Brill’s excellent article, “Discouraging Disengagement.” Estate planning is fluid because time and circumstances alter plans. In the first … [Read more...]
Disengagement – Threats to your Estate Plan
As in parts one and two of this Estate Planning series, I want to credit James E. Brill and his excellent article, “Discouraging Disengagement.” In Part One, we discussed Death, Disability, and Decline. In Part Two, we looked at Disaffection, … [Read more...]
Imperfection – The Art of Drafting an Estate Plan
Often when I speak to a group about our practice, I claim that we draft imperfect estate plans. This may not sound like a good marketing plan, but it is the truth. We don’t set out to be imperfect or incomplete. It is not that our analysis or … [Read more...]
Disengagement – Part Two
As we discussed in a previous article, several years ago, James Brill authored a piece entitled, “Discouraging Disengagement” for the Texas Bar Journal and shared some important reminders for all of us who plan for the future. Disaffection, … [Read more...]
Disengagement – Part One
Several years ago, James Brill wrote an excellent article for the Texas Bar Journal entitled, “Discouraging Disengagement.” It was billed as a helpful way to remind clients to maintain their estate plans. While we strive to build estate plans to … [Read more...]
Fresh Start!
A new year is upon us and it reminds me of a fundamental need we all sense at one time or another; the need for a fresh start. I am not a huge fan of resolutions, but any prompt to move me into a better 2019 is a good prompt. Start Spring cleaning … [Read more...]
Slow Down
Have you seen the signs in various neighborhoods that advise, “Drive like your kids live here?” These signs want you to slow down and be more attentive and careful. So much hardship and disappointment could be avoided if people followed that advice … [Read more...]
Winning the Lottery
The possibility of winning "one billion dollars", said in the voice of Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies, was heavily reported by the media last month, which brought up memories of some interesting clients and some unforgettable times. Over … [Read more...]
No Maintenance?
Some of us have watched the world go from high maintenance to at least lower maintenance in our lifetime. Automobiles that used to get 100 miles to the tire and seven miles to the gallon now allow us to put 50,000 miles on a tire and get 40 plus … [Read more...]