Understanding Your Rights under the Fourth Amendment If you are under investigation for a criminal offense, or if you have been pulled over by police officers for any type of infraction, there may come a point where the officers want to conduct a … [Read more...]
The Difference Between Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in Texas
Distinguishing the Criminal Act from the Civil Wrong It seems like it’s almost impossible to read a newspaper or tune into the news without hearing a report of allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault, with the terms often used … [Read more...]
Is It Domestic Violence?
How to Know If Behavior Rises to the Level of Domestic Violence In any relationship, there will be disagreements. Voices can be raised and threatening words spoken. But what is domestic violence? When does a person’s behavior cross the line and … [Read more...]
First Offender Programs in Texas
We all make mistakes—unfortunately, for some of us, those mistakes can have legal consequences. While the aftermath of a criminal arrest can be traumatic, the existence of a number of first offender programs in Texas can give you the opportunity for … [Read more...]
Expunging or Sealing a Criminal Record in Texas
When you’ve been arrested or convicted on a criminal charge in Texas, it can haunt you for years. Because arrests and criminal proceedings are a matter of public record, a potential employer may see them and make an unfavorable decision based on … [Read more...]
Assault Charges: Dropped, Dismissed or Reduced?
Under the state laws in Texas, you can be charged with criminal assault under three circumstances: You intentionally threatened another person with physical harm You intentionally engaged in provocative or offensive physical contact with another … [Read more...]
Watch the Holiday Cheer!! DUI Enforcement is Up at the Holidays
It's the holiday season—time for Christmas and New Years parties. That usually means a few beers or a couple of cocktails. But you want to be particularly careful this time of year. Law enforcement officials are aware of the increase in parties and … [Read more...]
The New Second Chance in Texas: Non-Disclosure of DWI Convictions
If you've made a single mistake in Texas, including getting behind the wheel after a little too much celebration with friends, a conviction can haunt you for years. You may find it difficult to get the job you really want, to find suitable housing, … [Read more...]
Texas Nondisclosure Law Changes
In Texas, an order of nondisclosure from a Texas Court serves to seal all records related to an arrest or prosecution, so that the public has no access. The order of nondisclosure may still be viewed by law enforcement officers, and some state … [Read more...]
New Texting-and-Driving Law To Take Effect This Week
After numerous failed attempts at undertaking such restrictions over the past decade, the Texas Legislature has finally passed a texting-and-driving law which takes effect statewide on September 1, 2017. This legislation, which enacted Texas … [Read more...]
New Texas Statute Allows Individuals to Seal First DWI Conviction
A criminal conviction can stay with you for years and wreak havoc on many areas of your life. You can face challenges getting a good job, finding an apartment, securing money for advanced education or even trying to get a loan. It has long been … [Read more...]
Driving Under the Influence of Prescription Drugs on the Rise
According to data gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of people driving under the influence of prescription drugs has increased significantly over the last decade. Authorities say it's no surprise, pointing to … [Read more...]