When Is it Time to Review Your Estate Plan?

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Cream Section Separator

Many life changes can have a significant impact on your estate plan. You may come into some unexpected wealth, or a spouse or child may suddenly experience serious health issues. What events should trigger you to review your estate plan?

A change in your marriage.


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Cream Section Separator

A problem with a guardian you have named for your minor children.


The birth of a new child.


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Cream Section Separator

One of your heirs predeceases you.


You want to disinherit an heir for any reason.


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Cream Section Separator

You move to a new state.


The tax laws change.


If there is no surviving spouse, child or parent of the deceased, the entire estate will be divided equally among any surviving siblings

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Cream Section Separator

The Importance of Periodically Reviewing Your Estate Plan

Why You Should Be Proactive With Your Estate Planning